We all lead busy lives where time is of the essence, so when we set aside some time to personally hand write a greeting card to our clients, we cannot help but stand out in a very positive way, with our customers.
When should you consider sending greeting cards? Here are just a few ideas to help get you started:
- Birthday card wishes
- Congratulations ( New Home or any other major event in your client’s lives)
- Thank you cards ( can be used for thanking for referrals or for choosing your services)
- House anniversary
Remember: It’s not just about making contact with your clients – it’s about making a positive impact on them and building relationships that can last for years.
Here at Studio 4 Signs, we have taken the time to create a variety of Mix & Match greeting cards, so that even if you are just starting out and do not have your own design team or custom brand concept, you can still provide to your customers, an attractive, modern, real-estate oriented card that will be certain to leave a lasting impression.
Each set of 12 cards comes with four sets of three – 5.5″ x4.5″ distinctive design purposes of : Thank you, a birthday wish, a house anniversary and a “Hello” introductory card. As well, each set is accompanied with its own properly sized envelopes, so you are ready to include your special message and send!
If you would like to have your greeting cards fully customized or would just like to add in your logo into our existing designs, please visit our us at studio4print.com for all of your paper printing needs and much more. Do ensure that you have checked out the items in your current cart before visiting studio4print.com as you will be directed to a new site with an entirely new cart.
Ordering is easy:
- Select the number of sets you wish to order
- Add to cart
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